Water Blowing 吹水够力: a blog about 吹水.
New CDN First Test
Just started to test the Cloud Computing. Here is the first test on Cloud Files CDN.
The Mom Song
Amazing Tilt-Shift Video of Swiss Landscape and Trains
Expensive Roaming for Maxis
Oh my god!!! 2 times wrong call and made me spent RM10 within 30 seconds!!! Stupid Maxis roaming charges so crazy…since I back into UK with my long term prepaid 017 stanby for SMS and future use, I have about RM30 credit inside. After today 2 stupid wrong number calls then I have to pay…
Project CORE Server
This summer I found out that my working enviroment just got too many computers and generated too much heat too (of course the electricity bill is a bit too high). This is the time to talk about Green Power and Save the enviroment
hah I will be getting rid of my current server which…