Water Blowing 吹水够力: a blog about 吹水.

  • 指快餐店種族歧視郭素沁冀貿消部調查

    Damn it!!! (吉隆坡20日訊)民主行動黨士布爹區國會議員郭素沁希望貿消部,著手調查雙威金字塔內一家著名快餐店,被指種族歧視的申訴。她說,有人向她申訴,指快餐店在單據註明種族,據悉只要是某種族顧客,就不會徵收服務稅和政府稅,如果顧客是其他種族,就會徵收這筆稅務。 “為何會有這種情況出現?政府不只是在委任承包商方面,設有這種標準,現在連私人餐館也加入其中。” 郭素沁今日參與2008年財政預算案委員會階段辯論時說,貿消部應該調查是否真有此事,到底應由哪個部門負責處理? 下議院副議長拿督林時清問郭素沁,是否曾到過這間快餐店查證,郭素沁答說:“待會休會后,我們一起去。”。 幽默的林氏笑言,若要一起去,也不須要在下議院提出。 針對此問題,貿消部政務次長何襄贊在部門總結時指出,徵收稅務問題由財政部管轄,除非消費者認為單據出現欺騙,他們便可向消費人仲裁庭申訴。

  • for anyone who wan2 quit smoking in M’sia

    this cigarette got advice from EC Council printed on box and it only sell for RM2.50, really got this rokok name selling in UK? it taste like shit, make me wan2 quit smoke as well.

  • 秋天的童话 Preview

    5 celcius at Burhnam Beeches, very beautiful scene but Shyuan really suffered of the cold weather. Nice? Please note that the PHOTO belum di-edit-kan

  • 烧烟来戒烟 – Quit smoking by smoking?

    Today bought this from a healthy shop The NTB cost £1.99 and that Honeyrose cost £2.70. The NTB I tried and it taste like papaya leaf 😉

  • My wife cannot sleep without this

    Why my wife cannot sleep without this? just because me snoring so loud lah…hehe this ear plug not cheap leh…cost £2.99, mahal ya…